Description: We see a man who has collapsed from a cardiac arrest.

Voice Over: Cardiac arrest is often unexpected.

Description: An infographic chart on survival rates animates around the man, visually supporting the stat.

We see a bystander call 000.

Voice Over: Did you know, for every minute a patient doesn’t get CPR, their chances of survival falls by 10%

Description: Cut to a close-up of a GoodSAM logo on screen. We zoom out to reveal it is a phone screen showing the GoodSAM app.

Voice Over: That's where GoodSAM comes in. An app that connects…

Description: We zoom out further to see icons of a network of volunteers popping up around the phone.

Voice Over: … volunteers to patients in those first critical minutes of cardiac arrest…

Description: Cut to a scene of the Ambulance on the road with flashing lights and a cityscape scrolling across in the background.

Voice Over: …while NSW paramedics arrive.

Voice Over: It’s simple and easy to join.

Voice Over: All you have to do is head to and register to become a volunteer.

  • Step 1 - Head to
  • Step 2 - Register to become a volunteer
  • Step 3 - Download the GoodSAM app

VO: Once registered, you’ll receive an alert when someone nearby is having a cardiac arrest and needs your help.

Description: We see a phone receiving an alert

Description: Cut to a GoodSAM volunteer icon situated on a map. A dotted line appears to connect volunteers to a map marker symbolising the patient. AED Defibrillator icons pop up onto the map. Another solid red line is traced to a marker representing the ambulance as we see both moving closer to the destination.

Voice Over: GoodSAM then directs you to the patient or where to find the nearest defibrillator.

Description: Cut to a split screen. On one side is a GoodSAM volunteer performing chest compressions on the patient. On the other side is another GoodSAM volunteer running with a defibrillator to the patient.

We then cut to the ambulance arriving on the scene.

Voice Over: This allows you to arrive in minutes and start CPR or defibrillation (if needed) before handing over to paramedics.

Description: We see a global map with icons of volunteers popping up.

Voice Over: So, come join more than 1.5 million GoodSAM volunteers worldwide and help keep them alive, while paramedics arrive.

Description: Logo end frame appears

Voice Over: Every minute counts. Sign up to GoodSAM today.