If your concern relates to a clinical emergency, please call 000.

Your experience with NSW Ambulance provides valuable insight into our services and allows us to continue to develop and improve what we do, to better support the needs of our communities across NSW. We invite you to share your feedback about the services you received and appreciate you taking the time to do so.

You can lodge a compliment, complaint, or comment about the care you received at any time by filling out our Compliments, Complaints and Comments form.

If you have feedback regarding the care received by a friend or family member, we welcome you to share, however, please note we may not be able to discuss specific details without their consent.

Compliments, Complaints and Comments form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? *
Patient’s details (if different)
Incident details
Incident date *
Address of incident (if known)
Would you like someone to contact you regarding your feedback? *
Do you require an interpreter? *

Have a question or complaint relating to a bill or fee?

Go to Accounts & Fees or call 1300 655 200

How is your feedback handled?

Upon receiving your feedback, our Consumer Feedback team will send you an acknowledgement and forward your correspondence to the appropriate management team for review and investigation. If you have requested a response from us at the conclusion of our review, we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable period of time, based on the complexity of the complaint. Some investigations may require longer to investigate than others and if this is the case, we will keep you updated along the way.

Who can I contact if I am unable to provide feedback online?

If you are unable to access the internet, do not have an email address or require accessibility support to provide feedback, you may give us a call on 1800 269 133 and leave a voicemail. When leaving a message, it is essential to clearly state the following:

  • Full name
  • Contact details
  • Patient name (if not yours)
  • Date of incident
  • Address/Location of incident
  • Brief description

Please note this number is not answered at the time of call, but we will provide an acknowledgement to you by phone once your voicemail is received.

What can you do if you are unhappy with the response your complaint?

NSW Ambulance endeavours to provide consistently high-quality services to our community. But we understand sometimes things may not always go as you expected.When this happens, we will aim to provide a meaningful apology and let you know how your feedback will support us in continuing to improve what we do.

If you find the response provided unsatisfactory, please contact our Consumer Feedback team to discuss your outstanding concerns. Their direct contact details will be provided to you at time of acknowledgement.

If at the end of NSW Ambulance’s review you remain unhappy with the resolution provided, certain complaints can be lodged with the Health Care Complaints Commission in NSW.

Health Care Complaints Commission
Level 12, 323 Castlereagh Street (corner of Hay St)
Phone: (02) 9219 7444
Toll Free: 1800 043 159
Email: hccc@hccc.gov.au
Online Complaint Form: https://ecomplaints.hccc.nsw.gov.au/myComplaint